Leonard and Avery worked as a team to help this homeowner save money on their insurance with their new GAF Armor Shield II shingles in weatheredwood. This beautiful Edmond home now is ready for the storms when they come again.

Mallard Construction & Roofing Before & After Photos
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Roof Replace
Edmond, Ok
This was Mason’s first job on his own. He worked with the homeowner and their insurace to get their roof replaced. The shingles the chose are GAF TImberline HD in weatheredwood. The before picture doesn’t show the house, but in the after you can see how good the weatheredwood looks on this lovely Edmond home.
Shingle Replacement
Edmond, OK
Avery worked with the homeowner and their insurance on the beautiful Edmond home. The shingles they chose are GAF Armor Shield II in weatheredwood, These shingles will save them on their insurance for years to come.
New Roof
Edmond, OK
The new color shingles on this lovely home in Edmond look great with the brick and paint. Deanna worked with the homeowner and their insurance to save them money with their GAF Armor Shield II shingles in charcoal.
Shingled Roof
Edmond, OK
This lovely Edmond home looks great with it’s new shingles and upgraded front porch and charcoal shingles. Zach worked with the homewoner and their insurance to get their roof replaced with GAF Timberline shingles in charcoal.