Case Studies

Showing 1 to 5 of 260 results

Wood shingles replace with Impact Resistant Designer Shingles

Challenge This lovely home had wooden shake shingles and they didn’t survive a crazy hail storm. Solution John worked with the homeowner and their insurance to get the shingles replaced with impact resistant designer shingles.

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Money saving roof in Norman, OK

Challenge Norman was hit by baseball size hail.  It did so much damage to this home we had to go do emergency tarping.  The gutters, downspouts and garage door had huge dents as well as missing shingles and holes in the shingles. Solution Aaron worked with the homeowner and their insurance to get all the

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Wood shingles replace with Impact Resistant Designer Shingles

Challenge This beautiful Norman home had wood shake shingles and they didn’t hold up to baseball size hail.  The windows and gutters didn’t stand up to the hail either. Solution Scott worked with the homeowner and their insurance to get the shake shingles replaced with impact resistant designed shingles that will save them money on

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Layers of shingles removed – Norman, OK

Challenge This lovely Norman home was in a hail storm and needed new shingles and gutters.  I also had multiple layers of singles that needed to be removed. Solution John worked with the homeowner and their insurance to get the roof and gutters replaced.

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Norman, OK – Storm Damage

Challenge This lovely home had damage to the shingles and gutters after a large hail storm hit Norman. Solution John worked with the homeowner and their insurance to get the roof and gutters replaced.  They also tarped the roof so there would be no further damage.

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